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My Story

Finger on the Map

I wear many hats. These days they call it a "portfolio" career.  I am a qualified teacher with a 1st Class Hons degree.

Alongside my teaching I have worked as an actor and professional musician and spent 7 as Sales Director for a conference company in the energy sector. My experience straddling the creative and corporate worlds have given me a broad view, and form this i have learned these two fundamentals:


  • The importance of connection

  • The power of creativity



Whatever your role; in business, the arts, education, the medical profession, or devoted parent, creativity plays a vital role. Everything we do that makes us feel alive are thoughts, ideas, mindset, the quest for answers, the search for happiness, are core to all human endeavors. They give us vibrancy and feed our soul, but are often hidden or neglected.

I believe that any idea, goal, mindset, attitude, marketing strategy, business plan, painting, song all come from the same pool of creativity. Unfortunately without guidance cyclical negative thought patterns can rule our subconscious and we become trapped behind self defeating messages.  


Enjoying the Nature



I've always understood the inherent value in being a team player. Far beyond the sports analogy's and the importance of musicians or singers in harmony connection is key to our happiness and fulfillment. 

We are ultimately tribal and exist within our modern equivalent. We follow structures, laws and principals based around those we consider to be in our tribe and when we lose connection we can be distraught, disconnected and lost. That is when speaking to someone as a friend, family member or coach can give you the essential support, perspective and guidance you need to get back in the game, because once again you feel connected.

I am of the belief that we ultimately know the answers but they can often be hidden behind the stresses and strains, the responsibilities we hold in our daily lives. I can work with you to uncover those truths, help get your mindset on track, and help you to appreciate what is of crucial importance to you as an individual. In other words to bring balance. I do this with my understanding of tools, language and often humour. Yes, laughter is a vastly under used tool which can help to shift personal blockages, change state and see the wood for the trees when the trees are blocking the view. 


The History

Ancient Ruins

Following a rather alarming number of major personal and professional life-changing events I had a choice; to give in & accept my fate or put my life back together piece by piece. With a young daughter to support I could see no choice but to lean on my experience & knowledge of personal development to stay motivated and proactive. I became frustrated at times but what kept me going was my belief that long-lasting change takes time. 

Then one night, while reading The T
ortoise and the Hair to my young daughter I was struck by the parallels between the story and my own journey to rebuild my life slowly and steadily.

The Journal

Finding my way through this experience led me to a decision to formalise my strategies so they could be available to others. So I created The Way of the Tortoise - Journal to Happiness. 

The journal draws
 a link between daily happiness and the adoption of proactive habits including gratitude, mindfulness, humour, affirmation, visualisation, exercise, nutrition, contribution and meditation. 


Get in Touch

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I work with organisations and individuals. My methods will help you create your own potential, improve mindset, and create your own guide book to happiness. First we understand your motivations, values, desires, goals. With these insights and clarity you will uncover the next practical steps to take.

Your challenge could be in your career, family, a lack of focus or motivation.


Whatever your sticking point I can help you create a strategy that will guide you towards the things that move and inspire you.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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